1. Preparation Before Making a Submission

Before proceeding with the application process, make sure you have prepared the following:

  • Complete article: Make sure the article you submit is in accordance with the format (template) and writing guidelines (author guidelines) determined by the Buletin Farmatera Journal.
  • Complete references: Make sure that all references used in the article are listed in full.
  • Statement Letter: Prepare a statement or copyright transfer consent letter if required by the journal. (will be sent by the journal after the manuscript is submitted.)

2. Create a User Account

If you don't already have an account in the OJS system, you'll need to create one first:

  1. Visit the journal's main page on OJS.
  2. Click Register at the top of the page.
  3. Fill in the requested information, such as name, email address, and password.
  4. Make sure the email you're using hasn't been used before.
  5. Remember and record your username and password.
  6. Click as author and reader
  7. When you're done, click Register.

Once your account is active, you can log in to the OJS system to start making submissions.

3. Logging in

  1. Visit the login page in the OJS of the journal in question.
  2. Enter the email address and password you have registered.
  3. Click Login to log in to your account.

4. Article Submission Process

Once you've successfully logged in, follow these steps to submit an article:

  1. Select the "New Submission" option after
    logging in, select  the New Submission menu  that is usually available on the main page of the author dashboard.
  2. Select Submission Type
    Select the appropriate application type, such as:
  • Research articles
  • Review articles
  • Practicum reports, and so on.
  1. Article Metadata Content
    You will be asked to fill in the article's metadata information, including:
  • Article Title
  • Abstract (in Indonesian and/or English)
  • Keywords
  • List of Authors (full name and affiliation of authors)
  1. Upload Article File
    At this stage, you will be required to upload the full article file in the format predetermined by the journal (it must be MS Word format).
  • Main File: Upload the main article to be considered for publication.
  • Additional Files: If you have additional files such as images, tables, or attachments, you can upload them in this section.
  1. Upload a Statement Letter or Supporting Documents
    If your journal requests a statement or other document (e.g., plagiarism statement, research ethics statement), upload the document in the relevant section.

5. Review and Revision Process

Once your article is successfully submitted, it will go through a review process. In some journals, articles will be processed through a double-blind review, which means that the identity of the author and the reviewer will be kept secret from each other.

If your article needs revision:

  1. Revision Notification: You will receive a notification of the editor's decision regarding your article (accepted with revision, rejected, or accepted).
  2. Article Revision: If requested for revision, make the necessary changes and re-upload the revised article.

6. Publication Process

Once your article has been accepted after the review and revision process, it will enter the publishing stage. The editor will provide more information about the publication schedule and the status of your article.

  1. Article Publishing: Articles that have been accepted will be published in the specified journal edition.
  2. Article Access: Once published, your article will be accessible to readers in the journal online.

7. Completing the Application Process

Make sure you follow all instructions provided by the editor or the OJS system during the submission process to ensure your article can be processed smoothly.

Important Notes

  1. Make sure you follow the writing guidelines set by the journal, including reference formats, layout settings, and so on.
  2. Make sure your article is free of plagiarism. Usually journals use software to detect plagiarism, such as Turnitin or others.
  3. If you have any questions during the submission process, you can contact the journal editor via the email address provided.

By following these steps, it will be easier for you to submit an article on OJS. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the journal's editorial team.